GitLab AutoDeploy

Author: Afaan Bilal (@AfaanBilal)
Author URL: Google+

Project Page:


GitLab AutoDeploy is a PHP script to easily deploy web app repositories on git push or any other hook. It is based on a similar script I wrote for GitHub. The v2 is a complete rewrite of the original with the major change being that only changes are deployed instead of a complete redeployment. So you need to manually deploy at least once and then let it work its magic.



  1. Download gitlab-autodeploy-v2.php.
  2. Update the [PRIVATE_TOKEN] and [REPO_ID] with your GitLab Private token and Project ID.
  3. Set the deploy directory by replacing [DEPLOY_DIR] relative to the script.
  4. Set your timezone.
  5. Upload the script to your server.
  6. On GitLab, add a WebHook to your repo for a push event (or any other) and set it to the uploaded script.
  7. You're done!

Now, whenever you git push to your gitlab repo, it will be automatically deployed to your web server!

Getting your Private Token and Project ID

  1. Your private token can be found in your GitLab profile in Profile Settings » Account.
  2. For your project ID, go to (Replace PRIVATE-TOKEN with your private token)
  3. Find your project in the returned JSON and copy the ID associated with it.

Adding a WebHook

You must have administrative access to the repo for adding WebHooks

  1. Go to your GitLab repo » Settings » Web Hooks.
  2. Enter the URL of the gitlab-autodeploy.php script in the URL field.
  3. If your server does not use SSL, then uncheck Enable SSL Verification.
  4. Leave everything else as is, click Add Web Hook.
  5. You're done!


All contributions are welcome. Please create an issue first for any feature request or bug. Then fork the repository, create a branch and make any changes to fix the bug or add the feature and create a pull request. That's it! Thanks!


GitLab AutoDeploy is released under the MIT License. Check out the full license here.